Colour is Not a Crime – poem by John Fisken

To fear no colours is not a crime.
To dream in Technicolor is not a crime.
To show your true colours is not a crime.
To colour outside the lines is not a crime.
To live in a rainbow of colours is not a crime.
To use colour to push the eye around is not a crime.
To become a participant in a riot of colours is not a crime.
To wear the wrong colour tie, shoes, or socks is not a crime.
To try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud is not a crime.
To sympathize with colour, beauty, and the joy of life is not a crime.
To admit Colour Vision Deficiency in a black and white world is not a crime.
To want to have some towering geniuses reveal us to ourselves in colour and fire is not a crime.
To know that colours speak all languages is not a crime.
To know that all colours will agree in the dark is not a crime.
To know there are no words for a world without colour is not a crime.
To know that colour thinks by itself, independently of the object it clothes is not a crime.
To know that colour is a means of exerting a direct influence upon the soul is not a crime.
To know one’s favorite colour is no longer pink, it’s purple, and purple is the new pink is not a crime.
To not know your natural colour is not a crime.
To not know the Colour of Magic is not a crime.
To not know what colour Wednesday is, is not a crime.
To not know that colour is the fruit of life, is not a crime.
To not know that each colour lives by its mysterious life, is not a crime.
To not remember the colour of your beloved’s eyes is not a crime…it’s a serious misdemeanor.

Photo courtesy of contrariaN creativE 20140806

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